
EnduraData explains cloud computing’s impact on file replication & data sync

Cloud computing has had a significant impact on file replication and data synchronization. 

Most of us remember how crucial it was to carry around a backup hard drive between offices as well as to maintain storage infrastructure both at work and at home. Yet those days are mainly gone thanks to cloud computing.

Aba El Haddi is the founder and CTO of Enduradata. He is widely considered to be one of today’s preeminent leaders in the field. When asked about the evolution of the industry, he said: “…Although cloud storage really went mainstream around 2007, the pioneers of data synchronization can be traced back to the 90’s

A little known fact is that file replication and data synchronization have been around for several decades, and many companies have offered solutions in this space. However, one of the early pioneers in this area was a company called Double-Take Software, which was founded in 1991.

However the market evolved rapidly since – and researchers contend that the information security and other technical issues around this industry has led to very particular requirements.

Double-Take Software was one of the first companies to offer data replication and disaster recovery solutions for Windows servers. Their flagship product, Double-Take, used real-time block-level replication to keep data synchronized between servers, ensuring data availability and minimizing downtime in the event of a failure.

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Double-Take Software was acquired by Vision Solutions in 2010, which was later acquired by Syncsort in 2017. Today, Syncsort continues to offer data replication and disaster recovery solutions for a variety of platforms and environments, including cloud-based solutions.

Here are some ways in which cloud computing has affected these technologies:

Scalability: Cloud computing has made it easier to scale file replication and data synchronization solutions. Cloud providers offer infrastructure and resources that can be scaled up or down as per the needs of the organization. This has enabled organizations to implement file replication and data synchronization solutions that can handle large amounts of data and accommodate future growth.

Accessibility: Cloud computing has made it easier to access data from different locations and devices. With cloud-based file replication and data synchronization solutions, users can access their data from anywhere, using any device with an internet connection. This has made collaboration easier and more efficient, as team members can work on the same files simultaneously from different locations.

Automation: Cloud computing has enabled the automation of file replication and data synchronization processes. Cloud-based solutions can automatically synchronize data between different devices, platforms, and networks. This has reduced the manual effort required to manage and synchronize data, making it more efficient and reliable.

Reliability: Cloud computing has improved the reliability of file replication and data synchronization solutions. Cloud providers offer redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure that data is available and accessible even in the event of hardware failure or other disasters. This has improved the availability of data and reduced the risk of data loss.

Cost: Cloud computing has made file replication and data synchronization solutions more affordable. Cloud providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing models, which allow organizations to pay only for the resources they use. This has reduced the upfront costs of implementing file replication and data synchronization solutions, making them more accessible to smaller organizations.

As El Haddi explains: “…It is clear that cloud computing has had a significant impact on file replication and data synchronization, making these technologies more scalable, accessible, automated, reliable, and affordable. Our job at Enduradata is to make it reliable and secure…”

A large market with too many options to assess:

Any CTO that needs to make a decision will find that this is a substantial market with a high number of players. There are many companies that offer file replication and data synchronization solutions:

Some are well-known technology giants like Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon. Other notable companies in this space include Veeam, Dell EMC, Veritas, Carbonite, and Acronis. Additionally, there are many smaller companies and startups that offer innovative solutions in this area, such as Resilio, Syncplicity, and Druva. 

Does bigger mean better?

Bigger does not always mean better. The limitations imposed by large providers and the rigidity of rules and systems can at times present challenges. The specific features and capabilities of these solutions can vary widely, so it’s important to evaluate each company’s offerings to determine which one is the best fit for your organization’s needs.

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